#Foundation and Application of Econometrics, Spring 2015, Pepared by Dr. I-Ming Chiu #Accompany 368_Handout04.pdf #The First Theroem (pp. 2) to State the Distribution of Sample Average rm(list=ls()) x = rep(0,500) set.seed(12345) for (i in 1:500){ x[i] = mean(rnorm(10, 0, 2)) #X~N(0, 4) } mean(x);var(x) #mean(x) should be close to zero and variance should be close to 4/10 (i.e., sigmasquare/n) hist(x,freq=F,ylim=c(0,0.7)) y = seq(-3,3,0.1) lines(y, dnorm(y,mean(x),sd(x)),col="red",lty=2,lwd=2) #Weak Law of Large Numbers (pp. 2) ... Consisteny of an estimator # (a) Coin example rm(list=ls()) x = rep(0, 100) w = rep(0,100) for (i in 1:100){ x = sample(c(0,1), 100, replace=T) w[i] = sum(x[1:i])/i } plot(w, type="b") abline(h = 0.5) # Sn/n converges to 0.5, abline: add a straight line to the existing diagram; h means a horizonal line, v means a vertical line, etc (use ?abline to explore more). #(b) Dice example rm(list=ls()) x = rep(0, 150) w = rep(0,150) for (i in 1:150){ x = sample(1:6, 150, replace=T) w[i] = length(which(x[1:i]==6))/i } plot(w, type="b", cex = 0.6) abline(h = 1/6) # Sn/n converges to 1/6; throw a dice "many" times, we expect to obsevre "6" (or any other five numbers) 1/6 of the time. *For the above examples, you can always increase the number of trials, szie n, to observe a better convergence outcome. #Central Limit Theorem (pp.3) rm(list=ls()) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) x = 0:10 plot(x,dbinom(x,10,0.2),main="Binomial Distribution",type="h",ylab="density") xbar_3=rep(0,500) for (i in 1:500) {xbar_3[i]=mean(rbinom(3,10,0.2))} hist(xbar_3,prob=TRUE,breaks=12) xbar_10=rep(0,500) for (i in 1:500) {xbar_10[i]=mean(rbinom(10,10,0.2))} hist(xbar_10,prob=TRUE,breaks=12) xbar_30=rep(0,500) for (i in 1:500) {xbar_30[i]=mean(rbinom(30,10,0.2))} hist(xbar_30,prob=TRUE,breaks=12)